Specialist Programs

Albany Rise students participate in many activities outside of their home classroom. We enjoy outstanding facilities for all of our specialist learning areas including:

Physical Education (PE)

The aim of the Physical Education program at Albany Rise is to develop each child’s Fundamental Motor Skills and fitness as part of their experiences in Primary School.  The students are given the opportunity to participate in a vast number of different activities with the aim being to develop in each of them the desire to make physical activity an important part of their life both now and for the long term.

The following is a brief outline of some of the areas covered in the Physical Education and Sport Program at Albany Rise Primary School.

Weekly Physical Education classes aimed at developing students’ Fundamental Motor Skills which include circuit and fitness sessions. The games and activities that children participate in also develop team work and sportsmanship skills and an interest in physical activity in general.

Participation in clinics, a two week intensive swimming program, special whole school sporting days and weeks, Fun Sports Day / Physical Education Week, Interschool Sport, District, Zone and State Competitions for both individuals and teams, Bike Education, District and Zone Athletics and Cross Country, Round Robin Carnival, Kanga Cricket, Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) for Foundation students and lots, lots more.

Visual Art

The Visual Arts program at Albany Rise aims to provide students with the opportunity to explore, create and respond to art in a safe and fun learning environment. All students from Foundation to Year 6 are involved in weekly Visual Arts lessons in our spacious and well equipped Art room.

Students participate in hands on activities that cover all aspects of the Visual Arts curriculum. Our students gain experience in the art areas of drawing, collage, painting, textiles, printmaking, construction and modelling throughout their seven years of primary school. They explore and use a wide variety of materials, techniques, and processes specific to each art form.

Students are also given the opportunity to study different artists and their works, and compare different art pieces and styles. Students learn about art works from different cultures and times and use this learning as inspiration for their own art works.

Students are always encouraged to use their imagination in expressing new ideas and applying new skills when working in the art room at Albany Rise.

Language Other Than English | Mandarin

At Albany Rise Primary School, all students from Foundation to Year six study LOTE – Languages Other Than English. Our primary language is Chinese – Mandarin and the children learn to recognise the characters, reproducing them by tracing, copying and writing them in formal calligraphy.

Students learn about China and its place in South East Asia and the world, fostering an appreciation and respect for a different culture. The LOTE program includes the celebration of China’s festivals, demonstrations of traditional dancing, the reading of folk talks and participation in songs and games.

Performing Arts and Music

At Albany Rise Primary School, all students from Foundation to Year six participate in Performing Arts. Students become familiar with all the elements of music in activities which are both instructional and engaging. Starting with percussion instruments in Foundation, the children learn the recorder in Grades three and four and the ukulele in Grades five and six. Another popular instrument taught is the bucket drum.

We have a large school choir which performs at important events, both at school and in the wider community. We hold an annual Christmas celebration and run a biannual Musical, over two nights which includes every child. The students are also offered the opportunity to learn the keyboard or guitar in private lessons.

Students are provided with the opportunity to participate in the dance program in line with our biannual musical,  School State Spectacular. various talent programs and competitions held each year to showcase individual and team skills. To celebrate our enjoyment and participation in dance, all students are invited to School Discos during the year. 

Science Technology Engineering Math- S.T.E.M

At Albany Rise Primary School we strongly promote and resource learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) across all year levels. Our Year 6 students’ classrooms are based in our school STEM centre. Here students can utilise our robotics equipment, undertake engineering and science experiments, use our virtual reality devices, be creative in design, work in teams to complete hands on tasks and constructions, and learn from use a broad range of information and communications technologies. Deeper learning occurs when a cross-disciplinary approach is adopted that exposes students to a range of thinking processes, skills, content, and applications. STEM can provide students with the chance to develop their critical thinking, creativity, communication and self-direction.


The library at Albany Rise Primary School is a welcoming space which invites students to read and synthesise information. The environment is a key character and so there are plenty of reading nooks and comfortable cushions. The fiction collection has a focus on high quality and thoughtful picture fiction, as well as popular fiction and classics. The non fiction collection also encourages a love of reading with an emphasis on science, technology and history. There is something for everyone.

The dedicated weekly lesson provides students with an opportunity to develop their love of reading and encourages an active reading culture. Albany Rise Primary School participates in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge, National Simultaneous Storytime and the Children’s Book Council Books of the Year Awards.

The library also has an award winning leadership program which encourages and promotes student leadership. The Year 6 library leaders are involved in the annual Book Fair, Book Week and weekly library activities.