Our Mission, Vision and Values of Albany Rise

Our mission at Albany Rise Primary School is to develop students who value learning throughout their lives, strive to achieve and are literate and numerate. We aim to produce confident and empathetic students who are global citizens equipped to succeed in the 21st century.

We have succeed when our students are:


  • Always seeking to understand and respect the views, values and cultures of others
  • Literate and numerate; read with comprehension, write clearly, compute accurately
  • Responsible, organised, cooperative and independent
  • Respectful of others and demonstrate empathy to others
  • Able to learn and adapt to change and new technologies
  • Resilient and persistent life-long learners
  • Able to recognise and understand their impact on their community and environment
  • Critical thinkers, problem solvers and willing to have a go
  • Inclusive of everyone
  • Self motivated to be lifelong learners
  • Displaying a positive self image.

Our School Values: The 3R’s


Means: Treating ourselves, others, property and the environment with care and consideration.

  • Manners and patience – polite, courteous, accepting that others have the right to make different choices and have different opinions, listening to others, making eye contact
  • Honesty
  • Trustworthiness
  • Treating people the way I would like them to treat me
  • Displaying self-control
  • Getting along with others
  • Cooperation
  • Using appropriate language
  • Showing good sportsmanship – fair rules and taking turns
  • Pride in ourselves and the efforts of others
  • Friendly, caring, sharing
  • Inclusion
  • Fairness
  • Following instructions the first time
  • Valuing other people’s opinions
  • Showing compassion


Means: Thinking about the right choices to make and doing the right thing even if my friends don’t do it.

  • Taking ownership for my actions – accepting the consequences and not blaming others
  • Being focused on my learning and making good choices for how I behave
  • Looking after my own things and other people’s property
  • Being a good role model by encouraging others to do the right thing
  • Trying to help others if they are sick, hurt or upset
  • Doing my best work all the time
  • Displaying independence
  • Being accountable
  • Being sensible
  • Trustworthy
  • Fulfilling your roles eg: leader
  • On time and ready to learn
  • Looking after our school environment


Means: Trying to perserve when we are faced with a problem and adapting if it does not go our way and accepting feedback and trying again if necessary. 

  • Courage
  • Being able to Bounce Back when I have a problem
  • Trying to solve problems when this is possible
  • Being able to ‘tough it out’ when things are difficult
  • Thinking about the ‘catastrophe scale’ and realising that things aren’t that bad
  • Trying to be positive and optimistic
  • Seek help through talking with a friend or adult
  • Persistence
  • Being confident
  • Not letting negativity stand in your way
  • Learning from mistakes

Our School Community Values

Albany Rise Primary School recognises the importance of the partnership between schools and parents to support student learning, engagement and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, ensuring inclusive, safe and orderly environments for children and young people.

This statement of school community values sets out our behavioural expectations of all members in this school community, including the principal, all school staff, parents, students and visitors. It respects the diversity of individuals in our school community and addresses the shared responsibilities of all members in building safe and respectful school communities.

Discrimination, sexual and other forms of harassment, bullying, violence, aggression and threatening behaviour are unacceptable and will not be tolerated in this school.

Our statment school community of values acknowledges that parents and school staff are strongly motivated to do their best for every child. Everyone has the right to differing opinions and views and to raise concerns, as long as we do this respectfully as a community working together.

By agreeing to meet specified standards of positive behaviour, everyone in our school community can be assured that they will be treated with fairness and respect. In turn, this will help to create a school that is safe and orderly, where everyone is empowered to participate and learn.


As Principals

As principals and school leaders, we will:

  • Work collaboratively to create a school environment where respectful and safe conduct is expected of everyone.
  • Behave in a manner consistent with the standards of our profession and meet core responsibilities to provide inclusive, safe and orderly environments.
  • Plan, implement and monitor arrangements to ensure the care, safety, security and general wellbeing of all students in attendance at the school is protected.
  • Identify and support students who are or may be at risk.
  • Do our best to ensure every child achieves their personal and learning potential.
  • Work with parents to understand their child’s needs and, where necessary, adapt the learning environment accordingly.
  • Respond appropriately when inclusive, safe or orderly behaviour is not demonstrated and implement appropriate interventions and sanctions when required.
  • Make known to parents the school’s communication and complaints procedures.
  • Ask any person who is acting in an offensive or disorderly way to leave the school grounds.
As Students

As Students, we will:

  • Model positive behaviour to other students.
  • Comply with and model school values.
  • Behave in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Respect ourselves, other members of the school community and the school environment.
  • Actively participate in school.
  • Not disrupt the learning of others and make the most of our educational opportunities.



The Department Of Education And Early Childhood Development (DEECD) will:

  • Provide support and advice to principals to equip them to manage and respond to challenging behaviour of students, parents and staff.
  • Provide practical guidance and resources to support schools to manage and respond to challenging behaviour of students, parents and staff.
  • Provide practical guidance and resources to support schools respond to and prevent bullying and promote cyber-safety and wellbeing.
  • Provide access to evidence based resources and strategies to increase student safety, wellbeing and engagement.
  • Provide schools with practical and legal support as required.
  • Provide parents with practical guidance and resources to resolve conflicts with the school.


    As Teachers

    As Teachers and all non-teaching staff, we will:

    • Model positive behaviour to students consistent with the standards of our profession.
    • Proactively engage with parents about student outcomes.
    • Work with parents to understand the needs of each student and, where necessary, adapt the learning environment accordingly.
    • Work collaboratively with parents to improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for students with additional needs.
    • Communicate with the principal and school leaders in the event we anticipate or face any tension or challenging behaviours from parents.
    • Treat all members of the school community with respect.
    As Parents

    As Parents, we will:

    • Model positive behaviour to our child.
    • Ensure our child attends school on time, every day the school is open for instruction.
    • Take an interest in our child’s school and learning.
    • Work with the school to achieve the best outcomes for our child.
    • Communicate constructively with the school and use expected processes and protocols when raising concerns.
    • Support school staff to maintain a safe learning environment for all students.
    • Follow the school’s complaints processes if there are complaints.
    • Treat all school leaders, staff, students, and other members of the school community with respect.
    As Community Members

    As Community Members, we will:

    • Model positive behaviour to the school community.
    • Treat other members of the school community with respect.
    • Support school staff to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for all students.
    • Utilise the school’s communications policy to communicate with the school.
    Consequences for Failing to Uphold the Statement of Values
    Unreasonable behaviours

    Behaviours that are considered inappropriate on and adjacent to school grounds or in relation to school business and that do not uphold the principles of this Statement of Values include when a person:

    • is rude, aggressive or harasses others
    • sends rude, confronting or threatening letters, emails or text messages
    • is manipulative or threatening
    • speaks in an aggressive tone, either in person or over the telephone
    • makes sexist, racist or derogatory comments
    • inappropriately uses social media as a forum to raise concerns/make complaints against the school
    • is physically intimidating, e.g. standing very close

    Principals are responsible for determining what constitutes reasonable and unreasonable behaviour.

    Unreasonable behaviour and/or failure to uphold the principles of this Statement of Values may lead to further investigation and the implementation of appropriate consequences. This may include:

    • utilising mediation and counselling services
    • alternative communication strategies being applied
    • formal notice preventing entry onto school premises or attendance at school activities. Written notice will follow any verbal notice given.
    • an intervention order being sought
    • informing the police which may result in a charge of trespass or assault