Parent Information and Community

At Albany Rise we value the partnership between the families of our students and our school. We understand that the home is the primary place for educating our children and recognise the importance of building the school/home partnership for the mutual benefit of all. We encourage the building of relationships between home and school through promoting an atmosphere where all parents and guardians feel welcome. We encourage regular and clear communication to ensure all relevant information regarding your child’s progress and welfare is understood. Active parent participation in a wide range of areas including:

  • School Council and School Council Sub-committees
  • Parent Association
  • Classroom helpers
  • Excursions and Incursions
  • Sporting events
  • The bi-annual School Musical and Fun Fiesta

We also wish to promote an environment where parents feel supported and connected within our school community. No one denies that being a parent today is a difficult, complex and challenging task. If you feel that you would like some extra support please do not hesitate to contact our Primary Welfare Officer Dana Kroenert on 9547 1146.