School Council

School Council Committee

President  Katrina Summersett
Vice President Chris O’Shea
Bronwyn Clarke
Andrew Muller
Executive Members
Judith Drew (Principal)
  Michael Mottershead (Vice Principals)
Staff Members Collette Wilkinson
Narelle Seremetis
Community Parent Members Andrew Muller
  Chris O’Shea
  Browyn Clarke
Edwin Lampugnani
 Elaine Calfacacos
Gopi Kupipudi
Anjana Janardhanan
Katrina Summersett


School Council meet regularly to discuss policies, long term planning strategies, school targets and goals and much more.

All government schools in Victoria have a school council, which is a legal entity in its own right. School councils operate under the framework of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and The Education Regulations 2007.

At Albany Rise Primary our School Council consists of twelve dedicated staff and parent members.
Our role as a council is to serve the interests of our staff and students whilst always aiming to provide a successful education environment.

Council members also serve on a variety of our sub-committees. We meet to discuss the facilities of our school, policies and education, budgets and marketing strategies.
The strength of our school community is also driven around our Parents Association. A committee dedicated to fund raising, social events and the organisation of our specific school needs.
All parents are eligible for nomination to the school council. If you are interested in joining, or simply would like some further information, then please contact the school principal to register your interest.
I have the great privilege within our council to be the current school council president and would like to thank you for your interest.

All government schools in Victoria have a school council, which is a legal entity in its own right. School councils operate under the framework of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and The Education Regulations 2007.

At Albany Rise Primary our School Council consists of twelve dedicated staff and parent members.
Our role as a council is to serve the interests of our staff and students whilst always aiming to provide a successful education environment.

Council members also serve on a variety of our sub-committees. We meet to discuss the facilities of our school, policies and education, budgets and marketing strategies.
The strength of our school community is also driven around our Parents Association. A committee dedicated to fund raising, social events and the organisation of our specific school needs.
All parents are eligible for nomination to the school council. If you are interested in joining, or simply would like some further information, then please contact the school principal to register your interest.
I have the great privilege within our council to be the current school council president and would like to thank you for your interest.