Starting School Resources

We have provided links to transition and educational activities, that you can use with your child, relating to school preparation. Anything you feel your child has missed out on because of limited kinder experiences will be addressed once the children start school in Foundation. Our very experienced teachers will ensure that children do not fall behind and will continue to learn and develop as expected. Children are always learning and growing socially, academically and emotionally and can catch up in a nurturing supportive environment. We provide a high quality and differentiated curriculum which includes emotional and social development.

School Readiness

Starting school is a major milestone in the life of a child. Children are seen to be ready for school when they have reached the chronological age for entry as established by the state. To start primary school in Victoria, children need to turn five years of age by 30 April of the year that they start school. Children must be at school in the year that they turn six years of age – this is the compulsory school starting age. Exceptions to this can be made.

Research suggests that children who transition to school smoothly and experience early school success tend to maintain higher levels of long term social competence and academic achievements. It is therefore important to look at whether children possess skills that promote their ability to successfully commence school, rather than look at their age.


What is school readiness?

‘Readiness is what we call the things that assist children in being successful at school. Readiness is not an event that happens at a certain time, and it is a process that every child moves through at their own pace’.

When considering a child’s readiness for school, families should be encouraged to make decisions based on their child’s needs, skills and interests. Developing knowledge and skills in the areas of numeracy (numbers and counting) and literacy (reading and writing) are helpful, however not essential. The development of these skills should be supported when a child is ready, and at a pace, the child can cope with. Social development is crucial for school readiness, and it is highly important for children to have good social skills and be confident learners to set strong foundations for a lifetime of learning.


To assist in developing school readiness:

Educators and families may like to encourage the following in preschool children to assist in the development of school readiness:

Encourage and role model the development of strong relationships with others
Support children to cooperate with peers and make friendships in free play situations
Encourage children to participate in group games and experiences
Encourage independence in all areas of self-care (Eating, dressing, toileting, being responsible for and using own belongings)
Read to children regularly
Guide children to use pencils, crayons, scissors and glue unassisted
Talk positively about starting school and discuss school orientation visits with children, before and after they occur

School Readiness Indicators

When determining school readiness, families and educators may like to use the following indicators as guidelines. It is optimal if a child is achieving some skills out of each category.

Independence / Life skills

Copes with a small amount of supervision in a variety of situations
Toilets and dresses themselves independently
Unpacks their lunchbox and uses a drink bottle
Copes with a structured environment

Physical skills

Appropriately uses tools such as pencils, crayons, textas and scissors
Balances, runs, jumps
Uses equipment such as climbing apparatus

Social skills

Positively approaches other children and will ask for help if required.
Participates in play (individual and groups)
Shows interest in others and forms friendships
Expresses emotions and deals with conflict appropriately
Expresses needs and wants appropriately
Separates from carers / primary caregivers
Takes turns in games / activities
Shares toys and equipment
Follows some directions and understands some rules
Copes with transitions between routines and experiences

Cognitive / Thinking skills

Shows natural curiosity and interest in learning new things
Has confidence in learning
Is interested in solving problems

Language Development

Uses language (verbal or non-verbal) to ask questions and communicate their thoughts and ideas
Listens to others
Enjoys books and being read to


Sight Words