Information Communication Technology Program
At Albany Rise Primary School, students have access to many different forms of technology. We believe students need to be 21st Century learners. We allow students to learn from, manipulate and take action with technology. To use and understand the vast resourcefulness of technology, students are required to analyse, judge and interpret the information available to them. To do this, students are taught how to use technology appropraitely and effectively.
iPads and iPods
We have a class set of iPads forĀ Foundation-Year 2 students to use. Students learn from, practice skills and create different projects from a range of apps.

Each student in Years 3-6 have access to a laptop. We also have a Buy Your Own Device (BYOD) program for Years 3-6
The Foundation-2 students also have opportunities to use laptops in the classroom to practice skills.

Website Programs
Students have been learning from and supporting their learning through the following programs. Students thoroughly enjoy working through the activities catered for the level. Students are able to use the programs both at school and at home.

Cyber Safety
Part of our ICT curriculum, students learn about Cyber Safety. It is important for students to understand the negative aspects of the internet and how to deal with different problems when they arise. We also believe that parents are key partners in teaching children about being cybersafe. The world of technology and social networking may be unfamiliar to parents. There are, however, many resources designed to help parents and children become cybersafe. For further information, clikc the links below or Parents Guide To Online Safety.
We are an eSmart School via the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.
eSmart gives schools, educators and families the tools they need, through free and updated resources aligned with the national curriculum, to help keep students safe, smart and responsible in a digital world.
eSmart is an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to keeping children and young people free from violence and trauma wherever they live, learn and play.