Foundation-Prep Transistion

At Albany Rise Primary School, we offer an extensive Transition program for your child. We believe, the more comfortable your child is with our school the easier the transition from Pre-School to School will be. For more information on transitioning from Early Childhood to Foundation please click here .

Term 1

Two Open Afternoons
This is a great opportunity for prospective parents and students to come into our Foundation classrooms and play based learning areas. It allows parents to understand our Foundation Program and allows future students to explore different Foundation activities.

Term 2

Pre-School Visits
We invite the local Pre-Schools to come to our School for an hour session. The Foundation teachers run sessions with each Pre-School group and begin to build the excitement of our Foundation program. These sessions are run with the help of our Year 5 students who will be our 2021 Buddies.

Term 3

Story Time Sessions
We run two story time sessions to promote the love of reading. Each session focuses around a different picture story book. Pre-School students listen to the story and then complete a fun follow up craft activity with help from our current Foundation students.

Play Based Learning Sessions
We also run two play based learning sessions to allow pre-school students to get a feel for our ‘chatterbox’ sessions which are run three times a week for 45 minutes.

Term 4

Transition Sessions
We run fortnightly intensive transition sessions with the enrolled 2020 Foundation students. Our sessions include literacy and numeracy activities, specialist activities (Physical Education, Music and Visual Art), technology activities and general school expectations. While the students are enjoying their sessions, parents are invited to join the Principal and Assistant Principal for information sessions. We cover different topics about school, what we further offer and answer any questions you might have. It is also a great opportunity for parents to meet each other and join in with our school community.

Parent Information Session
This session is run by the Foundation teachers to highlight school expectations, what you can do to prepare your child for starting school and answer any questions.

Orientation Morning
This morning session involves the enrolled students coming into their future Foundation rooms and classes. We invite their Year 6 Buddies to come down and complete several activities with each other. This is a great time for the buddies to connect and form a bond before their official school life begins.