At Albany Rise we value the partnership between the families of our students and our school. We understand that the home is the primary place for educating our children and recognise the importance of building the school/home partnership for the mutual benefit of all. We encourage the building of relationships between home and school through promoting an atmosphere where all parents and guardians feel welcome. We encourage regular and clear communication to ensure all relevant information regarding your child’s progress and welfare is understood. Active parent participation in a wide range of areas including:
- School Council and School Council Sub-committees
- Parent Association
- Classroom helpers
- Excursions and Incursions
- Sporting events
- The bi-annual School Musical and Fun Fiesta
We also wish to promote an environment where parents feel supported and connected within our school community. No one denies that being a parent today is a difficult, complex and challenging task.
Parent Information
School Assembly is held each Friday afternoon in the hall from 3:00pm. Each week individual and group achievements are recognised. Parents are welcome to attend
Bell Times
- 8:52 a.m – Music indicates students should get a drink and go to the toilet if needed before heading to the classroom
- 8:55 a.m. – Students should be in their classrooms and getting organised for the day
- 9:00 a.m – Roll call, first morning session begins
- 11:00 a.m – Recess
- 11:30 a.m – Second class session begins
- 1:30 p.m – Lunch (students eat lunch in classrooms)
- 1:40 p.m – Lunch, students go outside
- 2:30 p.m – Roll Call, afternoon session
- 3:30 p.m – Dismissal
Please note: Teachers are on yard dutyfor 15 minutes before and after school and also during recess and lunch times.
If a child is absent from school, parents are asked to telephone the school office on 9547-1146 by 10.00 a.m. giving the reason. Parents should send a note, giving the reason for absence, with the child when he/she returns to school.
It is vital that your child attends school on all school days and is on time for school. Regular attendance is essential to make sure learning is not disrupted. Regular learning provides building blocks for the future. Attending school helps children to develop important social skills, such as friendship building, teamwork, communication skills and a healthy self-esteem. Please do not allow your child to stay at home for minor reasons. For example, a personal shopping trip or to celebrate a birthday.
Your child is not expected to attend school if they are sick or injured and in some circumstances when a genuine, acceptable reason for the absence is given.
See the pdf below for the list of illnesses/diseases that exclude a child from attending school.
Further information is available from the Department of Human Services website.
Contact phone number:
0401 501 598
Illness/Injury Whilst your Child is at School
If your child becomes ill or is injured at school, we attend to the child, then if deemed necessary we then refer to the information provided on your child’s Confidential Information Form to contact you or the emergency number. It is the parent’s responsibility to supply the school with current information about their child’s health and emergency contacts for their child. Any changes to this information should be given immediately to the school office as soon as possible to ensure no unnecessary distress is caused in an emergency.
If your child has any type of injury to the head you will be contacted just to explain the situation. This does not automatically mean that you will need to pick your child up from school. It will just mean that you will be informed and after discussion with the teacher you will then be able to decide on what course of action would be most appropriate.
Please inform the office of any medical conditions your child may suffer from i.e.anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or allergies. An Asthma Plan which is designed in consultation with your doctor is required if your child has asthma. If your child requires a puffer for asthma, please ensure that it is kept with them and that it contains the appropriate medication, as outlined in your child’s individual Asthma Management Plan. Similarly, an Allergy Management Plan is required for children with allergies.
Any medication required by your child should be clearly labelled with name and dosage and handed to Mrs Wilson in the Office who will be responsible for its dispensing.
Please be aware of street parking restriction signs as fines are imposed by council for non adherence to signage.
Parking is prohibited within the confines of the School Crossing while the flags are in position. The flags are displayed during those times when children might have cause to use the crossing. Please encourage your child to use the crossing correctly and set an example by not “dropping off” or “picking up” your child within the “NO STANDING” area.
Because of the obvious dangers, particularly for smaller children, parents must not drop off, or pick up their children from the STAFF CAR PARKS at the front and rear of the school either before or after school.
Parent Support
Our Student Welfare Officer also has many resources to assist you with any parenting concerns. Visit Student Wellbeing to find out more about our Student Welfare Officer. To make an appointment, please call our school to arrange a time.
For more helpful tips on parenting we suggest looking at the website of Michael Grose, an Australian psychologist who has worked internationally supporting parents through his workshops. His support is now also on his website:
Parents may also call Parentline on 1300 30 1300 or visit their website:
Parental Payment Arrangements
School Council
School Council meet regularly to discuss policies, long term planning strategies, school targets and goals and much more.
All government schools in Victoria have a school council, which is a legal entity in its own right. School councils operate under the framework of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and The Education Regulations 2007.
At Albany Rise Primary our School Council consists of twelve dedicated staff and parent members.
Our role as a council is to serve the interests of our staff and students whilst always aiming to provide a successful education environment.
Council members also serve on a variety of our sub-committees. We meet to discuss the facilities of our school, policies and education, budgets and marketing strategies.
The strength of our school community is also driven around our Parents Association. A committee dedicated to fund raising, social events and the organisation of our specific school needs.
All parents are eligible for nomination to the school council. If you are interested in joining, or simply would like some further information, then please contact the school principal to register your interest.
I have the great privilege within our council to be the current school council president and would like to thank you for your interest.
Waverley Leader Articles
Every now and then the local newspaper, the Waverley Leader visits our school and reports on the wonderful events and activities our student’s are invovled in.
Here are the the latest articles (click article and expand to read):
Parent Association
All parents, guardians, grandparents & friends of students at Albany Rise Primary School are welcome to join the ARPS Parents & Friends Association (PA). We work together to continue to provide excellence in both opportunities and facilities for all students.
The Parents & Friends Association engage in diverse fundraising activities with funds directed towards specific school needs or projects. Out parents are a vital and valued part of our Albany Rise Primary School and we welcome participation by parents and interested individuals.
Some of our successful events are:
– Colour Run Run
– Easter Raffle
– Mothers & Fathers Day Stalls
– Disco
– Talent Quest (held every 2 years)
– Walk-A-Thon
– Bunnings BBQs
– Fun Fiesta
– Trivia Night
We also run events that benefit other Charities, such as Daffodil Day, and Footy and Colours Day.
We love seeing new faces at our Parents & Friends Association meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend. PA meetings are held monthly and will be held on Wednesday afternoons at 2.45 pm in 2020. There may be extra meetings closer to Event dates.
If you can’t commit to the Parents Association, but would love to help at the events, we have created a new group called “The Event Crew”. Event crew members will only be contacted around events, and will only be required to help on the actual Event Day.
If you would like to join either the Parents Association pr the Event Crew, please click on the link and fill in the details.
Look forward to meeting you!
Parents Association 2020.
Parent Helpers
We have many different ways parents or other family members can help and support their children’s learning at Albany Rise Primary School.
- Reading in the Classroom
- Looking after our Albany Rise chickens and ducks
- Parent Association
- Prep PMP sessions
- Excursion and Incursions
To ensure we meet governement requirements, all helpers in our school require a Working with Children’s Check. Please refer to our policy for further information. Visit the Working with Children’s Check website on the link below: