Accessing Onsite Supervision for Remote Learning

I implore all parents to please keep your children home unless there are absolutely extenuating circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria for Students to Receive Supervision

On days when a student is not able to be supervised at home and no other arrangements can be made. Supervision will be available for children of parents who cannot work from home, and students who are vulnerable and have a disability.

Where a parent believes they have no other choice, in alignment with the criteria above, an Onsite attendance form’ application must be completed to the School. – Subject: DET Application For On Site Attendance Form

Respectfully, I advise you all that such requests must be an absolute last resort.  Please note that students who are granted permission for supervision, by me, will not be receiving direct instruction by teachers on site; they will be provided with a supervised study area (to accommodate required social distancing) and they will simply be engaging with the same remote learning through Google Classrooms as their peers who are at home.

Remote Learning @ Home

Albany Rise Primary School has gone ONLINE due to the Covid-19.

Click here to access our Remote Learning @ Home

This is a step all Victorian government schools are taking to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This means that all students who can learn at home must learn from home. This is a very clear directive from the Victorian Government based on the advice of the Chief Health Officer.

We will continue to offer limited on-site learning for those students who need to access this, including for students on days when they are not able to be supervised at home and no other arrangements can be made.  Information about this is available below.

The Department’s latest advice on coronavirus can be found at

It is important that we work together and support each other during this challenging time. We will be in touch with staff and parents and carers  with updates of what remote and flexible learning will look like at our school here:

In the meantime, you might find it useful to look at the Department’s Learning from Home website. It provides resources and guidance for teachers and parents and carers.

Remote Learning Handbook

Return To School




Our priority is to ensure that all students are supported in the event of potential school closures. Given the uncertainty of the current situation, we have a plan in place to ensure the continuity of teaching, learning and assessment should the school be required to close.


Teaching and Learning (Remote Learning):

All teaching staff are preparing instruction sheets and resources for students across year levels and learning domains.

ARPS will continue to use ‘Class Dojo’ and ‘Compass’ to communicate with parents, and we hope to use ‘Google Classroom’ to post tasks and provide feedback to students.

Students will also need access to any relevant online resources used in their classes. These might include (depending on year level):

  • Essential Assessment – numeracy, reading and spelling (aspects are available and all are tailored to each students point of need)
  • Reading Eggs (F-2)
  • Prodigy – online mathematics game focused on  each students level 1-6
  • Mathletics – all students have access and have passwords from school
  • Students will need to fill out their take home reader journals on a daily basis with the aim of reading occurring every day. Independent reading activities should be completed in student Reading Notebooks.
  • Writing stimuli will be available for students to create a range of writing pieces
  • Teachers and administration access will be available online through Compass and Dojo during school hours to answer any student questions and to provide clarification and feedback on any of the tasks.
  • Google Classroom information has been sent home to families, with individual log in details for each student.

These resources are being developed and updated as quickly as we are able, and we appreciate your patience as we refine our practices and processes.

Home Learning Environment

Students will be provided with resources from book pack supplies and school materials, including:

  • A student workbook to utilise at home if required
  • Pencils and writing materials
  • A small, current learning pack
  • Reading materials (depending on year level)
  • Hard copy of weekly curriculum overview (attached and on school website)

Where students are absent, these resources can be collected from the school, if requested.

Students are advised to do the following in the event of a school closure:

  • Set up a quiet study space at home.
  • Free the study space from distractions such as phones and loud music.
  • Maintain a regular routine and ensure that time is set aside to complete the work for each subject.
  • Ensure that all required books are taken home.

We ask that parents actively monitor the completion of the set tasks whilst students are at home.

    Google Classrooms


    VSSS Dance and Choir


    Maths Olympiads/Extension

